Ariana was born and raised just North of Boston, but has considered herself a Newport local for the last 6 years. She graduated from Salve Regina University with a Bachelors in Marketing and a Masters in Business Administration. Ariana discovered Studio Barre during graduate school where she fell in love with the challenging yet sassy workout, and stayed for the supportive, uplifting community! Her combined background in cheerleading, lacrosse, and dance brought her to consider becoming a {barre}tender. SB has increased her overall confidence, leaving her feeling better than ever!
Ariana loves spending time with her family, cooking new and exciting meals, traveling the world, working at a nutrition club (our neighbor!) and spending summers barefoot by the ocean. Take her class and ask about one of the 18 countries she’s travelled to, or her favorite dish to whip up! She’ll be sure to make you shake, sweat, and sparkle.